
Global Warming paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, SSC and HSC

Global Warming paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, SSC and HSC

Global warming has now become a great problem for the whole world. That's why the global warming paragraph is very important for the students, especially in classes 6, 7, 8, SSC and HSC. 

That is why we have prepared the global warming paragraph for class 6, 7, 8, SSC and HSC in a very smart way so that your preparation for the exam be best. We hope that it will help you with the best exam preparation.

You will be able to respond to the following questions after reading the paragraph:

  •  What is global warming?
  •  What are the causes of it?
  •  How does it affect our environment?
  •  How does it affect human life
  •  What should we do in this regard?

Global Warming paragraph for class 6 in 120 words

The term "global warming" describes the warming of the world or an increase in the earth's surface temperature. Numerous human activities, including the combustion of fossil fuels and industrial pollution, are to blame for this temperature rise. As a result of these activities, greenhouse gases are produced, contributing to global warming. The average surface temperature of the globe rises due to global warming, which has several negative consequences. Climate change, starvation, droughts, animal extinction, etc. are some of the most important repercussions of global warming. Every year, the earth's temperature increases at a constant rate. The biggest urgent danger to the planet and the life it supports is global warming.

Global Warming paragraph for class 7 in 170 words

Global warming means raising the temperature all around the earth. It is now regarded as one of the world's major issues. In recent years, we have discovered some concerning reports indicating that the global temperature is rising daily. There are numerous causes for this issue. For starters, rising levels of carbon dioxide around the world are to blame. Second, deforestation is a contributing factor. Third, the greenhouse effect contributes to global warming. Global warming has numerous negative consequences. The primary cause of climate change is global warming. This could reduce humanity's ability to grow food while also destroying wildlife and wilderness, raising sea levels, flooding coastal areas and farmlands It has the potential to cause frequent natural disasters. The southern part of Bangladesh may one day be submerged due to rising sea levels. Forest destruction is causing the extinction of many plants and animals. To slow global warming, we should plant more trees and protect the forests. Planting trees can only help to slow global warming.

Global warming paragraph for class 8 in 200 words

Global warming is defined as the long-term increase in average global temperatures on Earth. It has been attributed to large-scale deforestation by humans for a variety of reasons. We consume a lot of fuel annually. It has become impossible to meet people's fuel needs as the human population has grown. Natural resources are scarce, and we must use them wisely. We will create an imbalance in the ecosystem if we exploit natural resources such as forests and water bodies. Global warming is more than just a temperature rise. It also has other effects. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and avalanches are wreaking havoc in many parts of the world. All of these phenomena are directly related to global warming. We must recover our ecosystem to secure our climate from the dangerous impact of global warming. Man has been exploiting natural resources without giving anything back to the environment. This must be stopped. To make this world a better place for the generations to come, who also deserve this planet as much as we do, we must all work together. Planting trees is the most fundamental step we can take to improve the overall health of our planet. Our primary goal should be reforestation. If we make a commitment to plant as many trees as we can during our lifetimes, the earth will become a better place.

Global warming paragraph for SSC and HSC 

Scientists refer to global warming as an increase in the average temperature on the Earth's surface. The greenhouse effect causes global warming. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, water vapor, and various chlorofluorocarbon gases. In the atmosphere, these gases resemble green glass. Sunrays strike the earth's surface and penetrate the atmosphere. Because of the low temperature of the earth's surface, radiated rays from the earth's surface are converted to infrared rays, of which a portion is absorbed by greenhouse gases and a portion is emitted. As an outcome, the atmosphere and the earth's surface receive this excess heat and keep the surroundings warm. However, the emitted rays from the surface of the earth cannot escape if the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases significantly. When it comes back to earth, the surface's temperature steadily rises. As a result, it causes climate change. India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and the Maldives' coastlines will be submerged if sea levels increase by 20 inches. The frequency of floods, droughts, and cyclones will rise as a result of the weather change. Pests will increase as temperatures rise, while agricultural goods will decline. The forest will be wiped off. There will be a risk to the ecosystem. An increase in cardiovascular disease and heart attacks is a direct consequence of global warming. Using renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels, such as solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass is one of the most efficient methods of reducing global warming. More trees are desperately needed because a single tree can absorb one ton of CO2 in its lifetime to reduce global warming. Environmentalists, scientists, and academics are working hard to figure out how to stop global warming.

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