
HTML basics

HTML basics

HTML basics 

The question and answers is about some HTML basics.You can know the basics of HTML throw this.

1.What is Html??

Answer: HTML is a markup language.

2.What is the fullform of Html???

Ans: HTML means Hyper text markup language.

3.What is the uses of Html???

Ans: It is widely used for making the basic structure of a webpage or website.

4.How can anyone make HTML basic structure of a webpage by it???

Ans: Html works by some pre-pared tags. By using those tags anyone can easily make a HTML basic structure of any webpage.

5.Give some examples of  some basic HTML tags.

Ans: head, body, style, link, div, ul, ol, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a, u, b, pre, p, strong, small etc. are the basic examples of mostly used HTML tags. There are more than 100 tags of HTML. By using those tags anyone can build structure of webpages.

6.Is this language hard to learn???

Ans: No this language is not very hard to learn. It is an easy and simple and basic language to learn. 

7.How much time will it take to learn???

Ans: It will not take much time for you to learn HTML. If you learn very attentively you will be able to learn it in a very short time. But remember your success depends on you. If you are very serious in anything and you are blessed by the grace of the creator, your success will must knock at your door.

8.What can I do by learning this basic markup language???

Ans: As HTML is the basic language that will make the structure of your webpages, this is a very important language. Because without structure you cant build your website.

9.How to stylize an HTML pages???

Ans: You can give style in your webpage throw CSS3,bootstrap,javascript etc. You can make HTML page interactive throw the affect of javascript and other languages. 

These are some very common and simple things about Html. I hope that this basic informations will be useful for you. 

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